Friday, March 6, 2015

PCACAC-on-the-Hill Annapolis

Dear Colleague,
Exciting news! PCACAC-on-the-Hill Annapolis is scheduled for Wednesday, March 18, 2015. As the Government Relations Committee finishes up the final details, I wanted to extend you all an invitation to participate in this exciting day we have planned. Acting as the voice for students who have none, we hope you will join us to speak on behalf of students across Maryland to ensure equal access and success to post-secondary options. You will have the chance to meet directly with Maryland lawmakers and their staffers and advocate for the rights of students in the college admission process. We will be set up in a delegation room, and legislators and their staffers will have the opportunity to engage with members of PCACAC to discuss strategies to best ensure that high schoolers have the resources they need to make informed decisions about their collegiate choice.  Lunch will also be provided to legislators and their staffers. Please feel free to invite current high schoolers who are going through the admissions process or college students who had a positive college counseling experience.
As a non-profit, volunteer organization, PCACAC depends largely on its volunteers.  If you would like to help out with this event, please email me at by Tuesday, March 10.
Event Details:
When:  Wednesday, March 18, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Where:   Lowe and Taylor House of Delegates Office Building, Delegation Room 142
We hope to see you there!
Samuel T. Shoge
PCACAC Government Relations Chair
Washington College (MD)

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